Thursday, January 9, 2014

Welcome To Happily Ever After!

A great marriage is not when the “perfect couple” comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. ~ Dave Meurer
My friend and his fiancé got married on December 18, 2013. It was surreal. He was my schoolmate back in college and it was known how silly  and crazy he was then. So when the news came out that he will get married and settle down. We all cannot believe it. Until we heard his vows. Lol.
Here are some of the photos taken. I didn’t take much because I want to applaud and enjoy the moment that I could not take my eyes off the couple! lol. They’re just perfect!

Here comes the bride!! 
ImageWelcome to happily ever after Mr. and Mrs. Tan!
Love, love, love! Love was definitely in the air that day! It’s like any negativity is not welcome at that moment (of course!), see that’s the reason why I just love attending weddings.
I wonder who’ll be next among my friends to get married. I wish it will be one of my gay friends. Hahahaha!! I just wish there’s a gay marriage here in the Philippines already because I do believe that love is love, no matter what gender you are everybody deserves a happily ever after. <333 p="">

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