Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Vietnam – Cambodia 2013 – Part 2

By 9:30AM we arrived at Moc Bai border belonging to Tay Ninh province of Vietnam. The bus conductor will collect all the passports and you will be asked to depart the bus and be screened or frisked by the vietnamese authorities then back to the bus and about 5 minutes drive to the international border gate of Bavet belonging to Svay Rieng province of Cambodia, you have to vacate the bus again but this time with all your luggage and be screened by Cambodian immigration, you wait on the line and wait for your bus conductor to call your name, the conductor will be the one to bring your passport to the immigration officers and have it stamped.
**Be wary of your things, with so much tourists in there the place gets to be so packed**
**No fee for entry visa**
The process actually took about an hour. I wish they could do something to make it not burdensome for the tourists. There were times that Passports of the people way at the back have been processed first than us who have been there like forever. I felt that they need to organise more their system on providing visa. I have no discontentment on the place because it is incredibly neat and I felt like the facilities are so modern its just their system that bothers me truly. Oh well!
Back to the bus with our luggage and then we stopped at Flowery Restaurant in Bavet border for an early lunch. I had chicken noodles just for the sake of trying an authentic noodle. lol. Besides we only got 45minutes to spare as per our bus conductor so we had to finish the food as fast as we can. Hahahaha. Our group was the last one to get on the bus.. the conductor kept on reminding us that the bus is about to leave. Oh geeeez! lol.
So it’ll be another 3hrs travel to Phnom penh, the capital and largest city of Cambodia. So I slept. lol. When I woke up we’re already at the capital. We are aware that we will have to transfer to another bus at the Phnom penn terminal. We got off the bus and waited for our bags to be transferred to the new bus, while the passengers are falling in line for their ticket, we’re at the corner waiting for our turn. Remember, we booked our ticket online long before the trip.
When it was finally time to get on the bus another asian group in front of us were having discussions with the conductor about getting and wanting the front seats but the conductor said that the first two rows seats are reserved and they don’t seem look happy with it. Hahahahaha.
It’s going to be a 6hrs travel to the province of Siem Reap as per the conductor, good thing they’ve already turned on the wi-fi connection on the bus and you don’t know how gratified we are about this. lol. As soon as we got the passkey everyone was just on their phone updating Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare and even BBM status for pete’s sake! lol. Ooopps! That sounds me! Lol. Ahhhh.. Internet, what would we do without you? Lol.
After 4hrs of traveling we stopped at Stung Sen restaurant for an early dinner where most of us had this fried rice mixed with… well depends on you – beef, chicken or pork. Again, our group was the last one to get on the bus. lol. It was seriously embarrassing. I guess because it always took us time to decide which food to order. lol. Good thing the new conductor is so nice to us. She even helped us to contact our hotel in Siem Reap to confirm our hotel reservation and requested for a pick up at the bus terminal. We just love her!
2hrs more and we’re in Siem Reap. by 8PM we arrived in Siem Reap terminal of Mekong Express. Walter from Velkommen Hotel together with two other guys picked us up at the bus terminal. I’m so excited to finally get on the tuk-tuk! There 9 of us so we need 3 tuk-tuk.
We rented 3 rooms on each hotels, ideally the first group who arrived a day before us is already the first group that will be sharing the first room. So six of us had played “Pompyang” – an elimination game, back in Manila airport to determine who will be staying with who in the hotel room.  This is to be fair with everybody, no favouritism. lol. I get to share the second room with Jose and Patrick while Valerie,  Jaydee and Mark will have the third room. Lol. This is how we settle room buddies on every travel we do. lol.
Okay, as all tuk-tuk speed on its way to the hotel, our tuk-tuk had to stop for a while because the tire got busted! lol. Good thing there was an available vulcanizing shop.. errr well more of a vulcanizing booth along the way. lol. Walter, kept on apologising and assured that we won’t be staying long. We got off the ride and explore the surroundings. We realised that it’s campaign period for election that month in Cambodia. So that explains that loud speaker that kept on repeating it’s message along the road.
Finally after about 15minutes we found our way to the hotel again. Velkommen, it’s a pretty simple place to stay. Their staff are very nice, no kidding, they really are. Clean room as well as bath. My only issue with the bathroom is the door, it opens involuntarily because the lock is somehow damaged. Oh well! I just had to bring a chair inside the bathroom to somehow shut its door closed. lol.
Bed.. I see bed! Good gracious I have never been so thankful for bed after that long ride. lol. I laid for a while, then I went down to chill with the group and had a late dinner. I think I ordered a BLT sandwich which is REALLY huge! I’m telling you, do not underestimate the sandwich of this hotel! lol. It’s yummy!
Over late dinner we discussed the next day’s itinerary. Everybody opted for a sunrise tour at the Angkor Wat so we asked Ka of the Velkommen hotel if they could recommend us a tour guide. But of course she can! lol. So as agreed, we will have to leave the hotel at 4am to see the Angkor Wat at sunrise.
As much as I wanna stay with the others and exchange banters I was just sooooo tired I had to retire to our room. Did a little browsing on my emails then I’m off to la la land.

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