Thursday, September 5, 2013

Davao 2013 – Day 4 (Samal Island)

Fourth day of our trip in Mindanao and we were enjoying every minute of it. Thanks to my brother and his wife for an all expense paid trip! A visit on the second largest island in the Philippines will not be complete without seeing a beach. One of the famous beach spot in Davao is the Samal Island, home of one of the reputable resort in the Philippines, where thousands of white-lipped oysters (transported from the Sulu Sea), were cultivated for their pink, white and gold pearls – The Pearl Farm Beach Resort.

Welcome to Bluejaz
We woke up at five in the morning so we can get really early at the docking station. I heard we will need to take a ferry or barge to get to the island. By 8am we arrived at BlueJaz Resort where we will be accommodated at their Samal resort, the cars were left at their mainland resort as they have their own docking station to the Island, about 10 minutes from the mainland a bluish-green water will welcome you.

The kids were pretty much excited already that as soon as we got to our cottage they started changing to their swimwear and my brother started putting on some sunscreen on his son, Regu. The adults? Well we’re too hungry we had to eat first. lol.


My brother wanted to rent a jet ski but we all know it costs a lot for just a half hour use. Good thing he has a friend who owns some jet ski and he let my brother use one of his, my brother was the one who paid for the gasoline for an all day use, it was awesome!

So my brother was teasing me if I know how to drive a jet ski. lol. It wasn’t my first time but it was a long time ago since I drove one back in Subic. So I was somehow wary but since I’m an observational learner I had to let them go on first for me to re-learn everything. After four rounds  I asked my Mum if she trusts me enough to  join me. I was surprised she did not decline! lol.

As soon as we put on the life vest and my mom was the backrider she was all like reminding me not to be a reckless driver like what she claims I do when in the street. I was like getting irritated so I told her she can go down if she continue doing what she’s doing, nagging!! lol. She shuts her mouth. lol.

We’re not allowed to ski around near the shore I don’t know why but probably because we didn’t rent the jet ski from the resort so we had to be outside the net which is almost like the open sea already. It was drizzling and a bit windy so the wave was averagely strong.

I can sense my Mother was a bit nervous with the way she wrapped her arms around my waist. lol. So to piss her I was like doing strong turn on any chances. lol. There was actually a moment that I had a strong turn  to my left that the wave almost ate us and almost fell on the deep blue water. lol. I got scared not for my life but for my mother, because I can definitely swim, I can take care of myself. My mother knows how to swim too but I don’t know if she will be brave enough too swim in a deep open sea. So I decided to slow down and go back to the shore. Awwwwww.. lol.

Oh yes as we go back to the shore my Mom was all like “I-told-you-so-to-be-careful” lol. Oh well I can’t blame her, I was the one driving. lol. I bet I just gave her the ride of her life! lol,


While the adults we’re busy trying the jet ski, I decided to just stay at the beach and just play with the kids. It was a great time playing with them. Especially my niece who was a bit moody and have decided to not take a swim anymore. lol. She was just at the sand trying to bury me and make a castle on top of me. lol.

The kids were able to experience the ride as well with their fathers. It was fun seeing and hearing them screaming out of excitement. lol. By four o’clock we started packing up. I so don’t wanna leave the place yet because I felt they’re still so much things to do at the resort. They got a huge pool somewhere at the back with tons of slides!  I bet that will be something so much fun to do too!

We bid bye bye to the resort at quarter past four and back at the car everyone was just exhausted. When I opened my eyes we were already back in the city. It was a really fun fun fun day for all of us.

Day 05 was like a rest day for us. lol. We didn’t do much as it was more of preparation day before we go to another place in Mindanao – North Cotabato where my Mom and brother was born. Time to see the whole familia on Day 06!! lol.

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