Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bohol 2011 - Day 2 (Tarsier, Chocolate Hills, Man-Made Forest)

Fifth stop, Tarsier watching - And so the Tarsier and I meet again. Last year you can do tarsier viewing on different places in Bohol on your way to Chocolte Hills but just recently, following an order issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, over a hundred of Tarsiers have been transferred to its natural habitat.

When we came to this 5.90-hectare tarsier conservation area, There were no entrance fee, only donations, but according to a memo posted - starting on Oct 29 2011, they have to ask for a Php20 entrance fee. This is for the maintenance of the place located at Barangay Bonbon. Approximate time you might spend: 30 - 45 minutes. 

Mark as a Tarsier? lol

Look! It's no bigger than Mark's palm. 

Tarsiers are subjected to stress as many visitors or tourists want to interact with them by day thus disrupting and disturbing their nocturnal lifestyle and this causes them to do suicide. If they feel distress or unhappy they bang their heads against hard objects (trees, cages etc). It is said that tarsiers are to live up to 24 years in the wilds, while in captivity its a little more than 12 years. Since these little primates are near to its extinction, selling or trading of this specie is prohibited.  For more info

Sixth stop, Chocolate Hills, It was raining when we left the tarsier habitat. The driver said we should visit the Chocolate hills first before the man made forest. There's a Php50 entrance fee to this observation hill. You gotta be prepared going to this place. lol. It's exhausting! There are a total of 214 steps to the view deck. Whew! Don't worry there are resting stations on the left side every after, I think 20 steps. Haha!
 Jaydee, still poised while taking the 214 steps

As for me? I had to rest at the second station! lol

You know what's funny? I had to take a different route I just can't do the stairs, the flight of the stairs are quite high for me. Kill me instead! And so I took the ramp and it turned out I was the first to reach the top among my friends! lol.

And finally I made it to the top for this picture. lol You really have to get there on top. I swear the view is breathtaking! Mike and Mark just can't get enough of the view so they had to take A LOT of pictures! lol

There are a total of 1,776 hills surrounding the town of Carmen, below the hills you will see rice fields and trees. During the dry season, the grass-covered hills dry up and turn chocolate brown-ish therefore naming it Chocolate hills. For more info Approximate time you might spend: 1hour

Seventh and last stop, Man Made Forest in Bilar, There was a nationwide reforestation program launched by the government under, then president, Diosdado Macapagal in the 1960's. In Bohol, thousands of Mahogany seedlings were planted on a cleared area of Bilar and Loboc towns. For many years now, the lush green forest has been enjoyed by everyone who passes through it.Thousands of Mahogany trees can be seen along the road as you travel to Chocolate Hills. A side-trip to the forest is refreshing as the ambiance is cool and peaceful.

Jaydee and Mark


Mike and the Mahogany tree

Ooopppss, pasalubong buying. lol

A lot would ended up doing a "pictorial" on this place. Some would even lay on the road. This is understandable since the place is really alluring. Seeing the a lot of trees standing straight and so tall and all of them are with the same height. You just have to be keen on motorist or vehicles that would pass or else.. Approximate time you might spend: 15-20minutes

And we're one of those people. lol

I think we're trying to do a jump shot here. lol

 Jaydee, Mark and Mike.

And the tour ended at 3PM. Yes, we're exhausted but we can't complain. We enjoyed it so much. The driver brought us back to the resort safe and sound. The Php2500 van rental is so worth it!

 Mike, underwater

Mark and the sunset

 Dumaluan beach resort at sunset from the ocean

We took a quick rest and then went swimming at the beach till sunset, had dinner at DBR Grill where we had Pork Sinigang, Grilled liempo and Shake! Mmmmm..Yum! And then back to swimming (at the pool) Yeah, we're definitely having a time of our life! Tomorrow, is when we'll see the fishies!

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