Monday, November 7, 2011

Bohol 2011 - Day 2 (Python and Loboc River Cruise)

Third stop, Python Sacntuary, we went to this mini-zoo in Albuquerque (not the one in New Mexico) home of the famous 23-foot python named "Prony". It is said to be the largest python ever kept in captivity in Bohol. Prony was sleeping when we got there, so we were able to take pictures beside him. If you are not a fan of snakes there are other animals you can see in this mini-zoo such as birds, wild cats, chameleon and monkeys. Oh by the way, there is a Php20 entrance fee on this place. Depends on how many pictures you want to take,  the approximate time you might spend will be 30 minutes - 45 minutes.

Mike, I guess he is having the time of his life. lol.

I was speechless when I saw an Ostrich. I have not seen one before or I guess I have a bit of a blur memory of it when I was little. I don't know but I was really happy seeing a couple of it on this mini-zoo.


Prony was sleeping when we got there. He just ate two whole chicken! That's how much he eats everyday. My friend was kind of making fun of it, he said when he touched the tummy he can still feel the chicken inside. lol. And whenever he pokes the snake, it moves. Seriously!

I was outside the cage. lol. Too scared.

 For the sake of picture, I really had to touch Prony. lol.

Mike was really funny on this. He requested for a chameleon and so he got one! lol I tried touching it but naaaaa! I'll pass! hahaha!

They got wild cats (leopard cats and civet cats) I somehow lost the leopard cats pictures but they are really cute. The toddy or civet cats are said to be the producers of the world's expensive coffee - Kopi Luwak - it was featured on the movie "Bucket List", remember?!

Ooohh I though I saw Harry Potter's Hedwig! lol. 

King Fisher

Rufuos Hornbill or Philippine Hornbill locally know as Kalaw

Fourth stop, Loboc River - It was almost noon when we decided to go to the next destination. Our driver advised us to take our lunch first, where else? Loboc of course! Your travel to Bohol will not be complete without trying the Loboc river cruise. It is a buffet style floating restaurant for Php400 (Php100/entrance + Php300/buffet lunch). For 1 hour cruise along Loboc river, you will definitely enjoy the breathtaking view of the river and the surroundings while being serenaded by its local singers.

Good thing the weather was great or else the river will be kind of muddy color.

Jaydee and Mark

 Mark having his lunch at Loboc river

The Busay falls

You will also be entertained by the Loboc river community.

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