Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Live Love and Eat

I created an account here in my freedom to vent my feelings, opinions or awareness. I am really not fond of creating blogs since I opt to keep my insights to myself. You know the saying goes - Less talk. Less mistake. More talk. More mistake. Mine goes like - No talk. No mistake. lol.

I know a lot of people might disagree but apparently this aphorism works fine on me. Nevertheless, it just so happened, that I have nothing to do at work. I was trying to check some emails when I came to see this "feature." lol. The next thing I knew I was answering all the information trying to register. I guess it doesn't hurt to try this.

Live Love and Eat, if you are familiar with Wolfgang Puck, one of the most celebrated chef, you will come across this phrase every after his show on Food Network. My mother and I loved watching him everyday. And those words have come to lodged on my mind.

Little did I know the meaning of those words and I happened to liked the concept of it, Living, Loving and Eating Well. Simply, that's how he meant. Do I need to explain more?

So, after sometime his show has already been finished and did not get to see him everyday, but those three big words will never be forgotten, as I have decided to apply it on my everyday living.

His cooking show have been my turning point in my life to start to learn cooking with "style" and be passionate with life or with something I love doing.

I got a lot of things to love or to be passionate about in life -  food, traveling, music and people. This blog is basically about my interests in life. Things I wanna share with the worldwideweb people.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter: @caranijuan 

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