Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Saint Benedict Medal

This is Saint Benedict of Nursia Medal. This was given to me by one of the Bosses in the office. She read my status on twitter how scared I was that night (like somebody was beside me on the bed and looking at me) and then I told her my experiences with these elements. One of them happened three years ago, while I was sleeping somebody pinned me on my bed. Funny yet scary but I am the only one in my room. Before the "pinning" happened I heard three knocks on my door which I did not adhere to answer. This is a really scary and disturbing experience. I am a believer of ghost but I am much a believer of God.

The Medal's Symbolism

On the front of the medal is Saint Benedict holding two things. He holds in his right hand a cross, to which he was incredibly devoted and, in the left, his rule for monasteries. In the back there is a poisoned cup, that when the saint made the sign of the cross over, it shattered. A jealous enemy had given him this cup and a loaf of bread (also poisoned) that a raven carried away. Above the cup are the words "Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti" (The Cross of our holy father Benedict). Surrounding the figure of St. Benedict are the words "Eius in obitu nostro praesentia muniamur!" (May we be strengthened by his presence in the hour of our death) as he was always regarded to the Benedictine as the patron of a happy death.

On the back there resides a cross. On the cross are the letters C S S M L - N D S M D, initials of the words "Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux! Nunquam Draco Sit Mihi Dux!" (May the holy cross be my light! May the dragon never be my overlord!). At the top of the medal is the word Pax (Peace.) Surrounding the back of the medal are the letters V R S N S M V - S M Q L I V B, meaning "Vade retro Satana! Nunquam suade mihi vana! Sunt mala quae libas. Ipse venena bibas!" (Begone Satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil. Drink the poison yourself!)

This medal can be used in numerous ways

  • on chain around the neck
  • attached to one's rosary
  • kept in one's pocket or purse
  • placed in one's car or home
  • placed in the foundation of a building
  • placed in the center of a cross

Here are some of its uses:

To destroy witchcraft and all other diabolical & haunting influences. To impart protection to persons tempted, deluded or tormented by evil spirits. To obtain the conversion of sinners into the Catholic Church, especially when they are in danger of death. To serve as an armor in temptations against holy purity. To destroy the effects of poison. To secure a timely and healthy birth for children. To afford protection against storms and lightning. To serve as an efficacious remedy for bodily afflictions and a means of protection against contagious diseases.

This one was already blessed but for the sake of knowing how it is being done..

Medal of Saint Benedict is sacramental that may be blessed legitimately by any priest or deacon -- not necessarily a Benedictine

The following English form may be used:

V: Our help is in the name of the Lord.

R: Who made heaven and earth.

V: In the name of God the Father + almighty, who made heaven and earth, the seas and all that is in them, I exorcise these medals against the power and attacks of the evil one. May all who use these medals devoutly be blessed with health of soul and body. In the name of the Father + almighty, of the Son + Jesus Christ our Lord, and of the Holy + Spirit the Paraclete, and in the love of the same Lord Jesus Christ who will come on the last day to judge the living and the dead, and the world by fire.

R: Amen.

V: Let us pray. Almighty God, the boundless source of all good things, we humbly ask that, through the intercession of Saint Benedict, you pour out your blessings + upon these medals. May those who use them devoutly and earnestly strive to perform good works be blessed by you with health of soul and body, the grace of a holy life, and remission of the temporal punishment due to sin.

May they also with the help of your merciful love, resist the temptation of the evil one and strive to exercise true charity and justice toward all, so that one day they may appear sinless and holy in your sight. This we ask though Christ our Lord.

R: Amen.

The medal is then sprinkled with holy water.


Saint Benedict Medal

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The server is not supposed to be exposed in heat and it should be stored in a cool dry place.. Hahahaha!! Good luck MIS!! With this situation Tamera (MIS) is really worried on how is she going to pamper her babies (servers)

My friend Kennette is still trying to cope up with the situation. No air conditioning in the office. We have a wide blackout in Luzon because of the typhoon "Basya" it did not bring us heavy rain like what "Ondoy" did but the wind it brought was really alarming! I can't even go to sleep last night hearing the roof of our neighbors like about to be torn out.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why I Love My BlackBerry

A lot of people have been putting Apple and BlackBerry into comparison ever since apple released their Iphone. People who knew me undoubtedly know that my heart goes to the BlackBerry, set aside the fact that I am working for this product.

Primarily, the technology behind it. Forgive me for saying this but in an honest manner, there is nothing really big deal about the BlackBerry device itself. A lot of non-BlackBerry devices had cellphone and internet capabilities long before the BlackBerry became a household name.

What is really overwhelming about the BlackBerry is the technology and the Blackberry Service that led to the popularity of the device. But furthermore, it really depends on the lifestyle. Like with mine - I am not a fan of touchscreens. My fingers are huge! Oh boy, I bet there will be a lot of typo error on my messages sent to you. Secondly, I can access my "encrypted" emails anywhere and anytime. I mean, I can just leave my phone and do nothing but my emails will keep on coming, this is the technology I am talking about. The push technology.

- BlackBerry Torch -

I love their BlackBerry Messenger. For some who have not heard of it yet, the BlackBerry Messenger is a core application of the BlackBerry that allows you to exchange messages in real time with another BlackBerry user utilizing your PIN. Pretty much like a Yahoo! Messenger except you cannot download it on your PC and it is exclusive for BlackBerry only.

I can update my social networking accounts anytime and anywhere. Although I know non-BlackBerry devices have this capability to do it as well but I just love the way my BlackBerry does it, hah! The sense of "astigness" of seeing the "Facebook for BlackBerry" or "Twitter for BlackBerry" at the bottom of every updates with that cute BlackBerry logo. I just love it! =)

I have gone from BlackBerry Curve 8520 to BlackBerry Bold 9700 and to now BlackBerry 9800 Torch and the applications for Blackberry have gone a long way already. I like the idea of the BlackBerry Protect. It allows you to do wireless backup and restore all your data.

- Introducing BlackBerry Jennings 9810 -

Lost the phone? The BlackBerry Protect application can secure your important information. You can do remote device lock or remote device wipe and when I say "wipe" not only the phone but even the memory card can be remotely wiped! Phone stolen? Locate device on a map in case of it was stolen too! Misplaced it and you had it on silent mode? You can do remote activation of the BlackBerry smartphone loud ringer. How smart is that for a Smartphone huh?! Believe me, the application is awesome! I have tried it!

- The BlackBerry PlayBook -

There's also this BlackBerry Bridge that I cannot wait to use. It is an application that will link your BlackBerry handheld and BlackBerry PlayBook. You can send BBM, Emails, view your Calendars on BlackBerry PlayBook as long as you have this application. We just had a training and meeting about it this week as we are about to launch the BlackBerry PlayBook soon.

Give the BlackBerry a try. You will not regret it. Let us make the world a BBM away!

What can I say? Oh yes, I am a self confessed BlackBerry addict. =D

April 03, 2010

I came to see the dawn on April 03, 1985. I just turned 25, same as last year, I don't have any plans of throwing out a party since It'll be tough to organize ('coz I'm living alone) cleaning up and cooking would be pain in the ass plus the fact that my birthday fell on a Black Saturday, its the time of the year for us catholics to reflect or repent and to have a party is like going to be insane! But talk about peer pressure! A lot of them sending me messages asking me what are my plans.

At 10:30AM - I got up from bed, went to the groceries, while on my way I was already thinking of a theme so that I would know what food to cook (Red meat is a No NO NO!) and of course on a budget, the next thing I knew was left with an options of Veggies, Fish and Chicken. Alright, that's it! I shall have a picnic party!

So I bought ingredients for Tuna and olive oil pasta, Chicken Lollipop and Veggies in oysters sauce.

Check out the Ingredients I bought!

Tuna and Olive Oil pasta

- 500g Angel hair pasta (optional: whichever kind of noodle is okay)
- 2 Canned Tuna (in Brine preferably)
- 1 bottle of Olive Oil (EVOO is much better)
- 3 Big Red Bell Peppers
- 1 Clove of Garlic
- Salt and Pepper to taste

Garlic Powder

Chicken Lollipop

- 1 Kilo of Chicken (Wing part)
- 25g of Bread crumbs
- Flour
- 3 Eggs
- Salt and Pepper to taste

For the dip

220 Cream Cheese
1 Bottle spicy banana catsup
1/2 Mayo

Rosemary Leaves

Vegetables in Oysters Sauce

2 heads of Cauliflower
1 Broccoli
2 medium size Chayote
1/4 String beans
1/4 butter
1/4Oyster Sauce
Salt and pepper to taste

After cooking these foods. I hurriedly went to the park where we are supposed to have a picnic party. When I got there my friend Miqo was there first. We looked for a nice spot (under the tree) and eventually Valerie, Nikka, Philip and the ever so late always Jose too. It was a really nice way to spend my birthday. Just me and my close friends. I can't wait for another picnic party.

Live Love and Eat

I created an account here in my freedom to vent my feelings, opinions or awareness. I am really not fond of creating blogs since I opt to keep my insights to myself. You know the saying goes - Less talk. Less mistake. More talk. More mistake. Mine goes like - No talk. No mistake. lol.

I know a lot of people might disagree but apparently this aphorism works fine on me. Nevertheless, it just so happened, that I have nothing to do at work. I was trying to check some emails when I came to see this "feature." lol. The next thing I knew I was answering all the information trying to register. I guess it doesn't hurt to try this.

Live Love and Eat, if you are familiar with Wolfgang Puck, one of the most celebrated chef, you will come across this phrase every after his show on Food Network. My mother and I loved watching him everyday. And those words have come to lodged on my mind.

Little did I know the meaning of those words and I happened to liked the concept of it, Living, Loving and Eating Well. Simply, that's how he meant. Do I need to explain more?

So, after sometime his show has already been finished and did not get to see him everyday, but those three big words will never be forgotten, as I have decided to apply it on my everyday living.

His cooking show have been my turning point in my life to start to learn cooking with "style" and be passionate with life or with something I love doing.

I got a lot of things to love or to be passionate about in life -  food, traveling, music and people. This blog is basically about my interests in life. Things I wanna share with the worldwideweb people.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter: @caranijuan