Thursday, March 28, 2013

Green Breakfast

“Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.”
― Ruth Reichl

Breakfast this morning was a bit on a theme. lol. We were going green! Using my so loved basil plant I made a spicy pesto pasta the night before for dinner from scratch (Basil, Olive Oil, Garlic, Chili and Pine Nuts). We got a little left over which I heated up for breakfast. 

Mom was nowhere to be found when I woke up. Then she arrived with some broccoli and asked me to steam it, and so I did. Then I saw the fresh potatoes we bought yesterday from the market. Made me think of making omelet! 

So with 3 eggs, butter, potatoes, sweet onion, cheese and herbs - basil and oregano - I get to make my favourite Potato French Omelet. 

Just for the fun of it, I put a show in front of my Mother, I was flipping the omelet from the pan without messing it! lol. She was pleased to see I was able to fold the egg perfectly! I bet she was proud! lol.

And where else can we graze all these grits but at the terrace! It was perfect! Definitely perfect way to start your day. Eating hearty breakfast with people you love most! 

Desserts with Mom

Mom and I have been very productive last Tuesday. We were able to sort out her clothes, clean the house, get my medical abstract from the hospital, repot the plants that are dying and we're able to FINALLY position mum's queen size bed, which turned into like a California king bed because of the  big bed frame, in my room (no more Japanese style bed) It was crazy.. And with today's weather I was sweating like hell! lol.

We finished at around 5pm. We had an early dinner at home and decided to have dessert somewhere. I remember going to a cafe somewhere near in the area when I was a kid and by 8PM we found ourselves in a jeepney going to Padre Faura.

Cafe Adriatico
Café Adriatico

As we were walking along the frisky street of Padre Faura, we saw a Japanese convenience store and saw a pickled ginger I love eating (Beni Shoga) So we bought a medium pack of it.

Finally we arrived at the Café Adriatico, an adored cafe in Manila, beautifully furnished with an old world impression starring Manila on its heyday.

It's been years since the last time I was here with my mother,  I have a bit of a blur idea of how their food tastes therefore I cannot really say much about all their food since we only went there to have desserts BUT judging their last course of the meal, I must say they were excellent.

Their food may be expensive but if you want an ambience close to an 1800's and experience a collection of divine Filipino and Spanish-Mediterranean dishes, then it is worth it.

Café Adriatico is known for having Chocolate Eh (thick and rich) and Chocolate Ah (watered and thin). Chocolate Eh has a bitter sweet taste while Chocolate Ah has more sweetness because of the milk added as per our server.

Mom had Halo-Halo espesyal (special), I asked Mom how was it and she liked it. She said that the amount of shaved ice, milk and other ingredients (fruits, beans and other sweets) was perfect. She was actually wondering what kind of milk was added as it was too tasty to be an ordinary evaporated milk. lol. Oh by the way, it was topped with vanilla ice cream too!

I had "Mango Jubilee" and "Chocolate Eh". The Mango Jubilee is basically made of mango balls with vanilla ice cream served in a glass. It was scrumptious in many ways. It may be too sweet because of the ripe mango plus the sweetness of vanilla ice cream but it's a perfect dessert for someone craving for something sweet.

I guess I made a wrong decision to order the "Chocolate Eh" for my "Mango Jubilee" but it cannot be denied that the "Chocolate Eh" is superior! I can already imagine pairing it with their "Kesong Puti with Pandesal" That could have been perfect!

What was entertaining was Mom, telling some old gossips of Manila on it's prime. From the enigma of some wealthiest family in Manila to the dirty world of politics. lol. I don't know how she got those classified informations but it was really entertaining. lol.

After settling the bill we bid goodbye to our server, gave him a tip despite our bill having a service charge and rode a taxi. It was a great night spent with my Mom. I cannot wait to have another spontaneous night out with her.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!

We celebrated Mom's birthday last March 10. The celebration also happened to be like a thanks giving for her, just this January mom was seriously ill that she needed 3 bags of blood for her transfusion.

Mom woke up at 5am to go to church. I woke up 30mins after to make a birthday breakfast. I made pancakes and some salad. I want to make the day cooking free for her. I manned the kitchen this time. lol.

Pancakes and Cucumber, tomato w/ egg salad

The celebrant.

My friends wanted to come and celebrate with us. Jaydee was the first one to arrive. She went straight to Mi Casa with a cake in the morning from her work.  Thank you Jaydee and Olive!
While waiting for the others I was pretty much busy cooking for the "feast". lol. I was cooking shanghai rolls, pasta, grilling some fish and asked a little help from mum on how to make her specialty, Pakistani Chicken. Then Jose chipped in some buffalo wings. Thanks Bang!

The second one to arrive was Valerie, she brought with her a chocolate cake and cutie cup cakes. They were very tasty I tell you.

Cakes and cup cakes! Yum!

Mum was so excited to blow the candles but then other visitors have not arrived yet. So we kind of bluffed the blow the candle scene for the sake of pictures. lol.

Act as though she was.. lol

Finally the visitors have already arrived. She got to blow the candles on her cake! She looked so happy! I'm happy too!

Taste testing time! The cup cakes that Val made were really tasty and moist. Love the cream cheese on top!

The colours of the icing are mum's favourite colour. The cake was topped with powdered sugar.

My friends enjoying the food!

The last one to arrive were Jody and Donna. They brought some cassava cake which was also delish! Thank you guys!

After a magnificent meal we stayed at the terrace, had some drinks and amazing chat. Mum was also joining us from time to time. It was a fun night.

IMG_00000343The Austria couple

I can't thank my friends enough for spending their precious time with me and my mum that day. Mum said she was very happy that she get to spend time with them and get to know them more.

Mom is thankful for another year that God has given her. She was very thankful that we get to celebrate her day even in a simple way. After all the trials and struggles she endured the past year, I'm glad I can see her so pleased and joyous.

No daughter who would not want a good life for her parents and no parents who would like their child in a bad situation. I am lucky that she's not expecting much from me.  All she want is to see me settle down with the right guy. lol.

My relationship with my mum has been an open book to my friends. After what happened to her early this year, it just hit me that I am not ready to lose a mother. That I would do anything to give her a good life, which she has given me growing up. I felt like this time, it's my turn.. It's my turn to take care of her.. It's my turn to give her what she wants.. It's my turn to surprise her with good things.. It's my turn to be more caring.

It may sound a cliche but i can so atest to it - When everyone has turned against you... Our parents are the people who will always be there and love us the most in this world.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

CDO – Camiguin – Bukidnon 2012 – Day 3 and Day 4

The cab driver who drove us to the hotel the night we arrived in CDO from Camiguin offered his services to drive us and be the tour guide in Bukidnon. The travel time from Cagayan De Oro to Dahilayan, Bukidnon is like 2 hrs. Call time was 7am, we want to make use of our day in Dahilayan.

As usual, I was the one who woke up early and was the one who woke 'em all! lol. We had a jiffy breakfast and by 7:30am I was already in contact with the driver. We left the hotel at quarter to eight. I tried to get some sleep on the way but the scenery was just so appealing.

Approaching Bukidnon, all vehicles were being stopped by some quarantine staff and requested us to step down and step on foot baths, the driver said this is to protect Bukidnon from foot and mouth disease. Just so you know aside from Pineapples, Bukidnon boasts with a really big cattle industry too.


At Manolo Fortich you will see Camp Phillips, it is where the vast field of pineapples covering around 9,000 hectares of land starts. It turns out the harvesting season has just finished. It was quite disappointing seeing only the rocky and dusty road of Camp Phillips. Though we saw some but they're like on the other side of the mountain already. lol. I heard you can pick a pineapple anytime along the way BUT the plantation has an eat it where you picked it policy, you're not allowed to bring home some Pineapples. Oh not only did we see Pineapples but also BANANAS tons of 'em!!

As the vast field of pineapples elapsed into my sight, colourful blossoms began to feed me.. it was stunning! I love flowers. It was like flowers everywhere - whether along the road or at every house I see. What's more stunning was that the kinds of flower I saw was not just wild flowers. Those are flowers that are so costly in a flower shop. lol.

It was starting to be like Baguio City.. We started to see pine trees. We rolled down the car windows to take pleasure in the cool wind. True enough, Dahilayan is like the Baguio City of Mindanao. The only thing missing are strawberries! lol.


Welcome to Dahilayan Forest Park! Situated at the foot Mt. Kitanglad 4,700ft. above sea level. Forest Park is a popular tourist destination that offers a bunch of amusing activities for all ages, from forest animals and playground to ATV & buggy trail adventure.

If you're the type who only wants to sit, relax and enjoy the nature's beauty you can go at the forest picnic grounds sprawling with pine trees and life size animals. You will definitely enjoy the place.

Reminder: Entrance Fee: Php50 for weekdays ; Php100 for weekends.

But if Forest Park amenities does not satisfy you and wanted a more hard core adventure.. Go to Dahilayan Adventure Park, beside the Forest Park, to experience the longest zip-line in asia, Zipzone. It speeds up to 90kph, 840m long and launches at 4,700ft. above see level.

Zipzone Rates

P600.00 :  ALL RIDES ZIPLINE - 840mt., 320mt. plus 150mt.
P500.00 : BIG-ZIP  -  840mt.
P250.00 : MID-ZIP -  320mt. plus 150mt.

There is no age limit only weight limit. =)

For the BIG-ZIP you must be at least 40kls. and maximum of 120kls..

*** For kids below 40kls., they can only enjoy the MID-ZIP

I didn't get to try the zipline 'coz I didn't qualify on the maximum limit. lol. But it's okay 'coz I will be back in CDO to do rafting and by that time I swear I will get that ride! lol.

Jaydee and Mark tried the zip-line. Val and I took videos and pictures of the ride of their lives... It was nerve racking watching them. lol. But I guess they did enjoy it though.. They we're all smiles after every ride. lol.

So after the ride we decided to have an early lunch. Yup, it wasn't noon yet but then we felt like we did a lot of things that morning. By one o'clock we found our way back to Cagayan de Oro, we asked the driver to drove us to Limketkai Center 'coz that's where the Starbucks is. Val had to buy her city tumblers, she's crazy about it!

So, just for the sake of fun.. We decided to try the mall's cinema. lol. Yeeeeaaahhh... We were amazed to see the price of the movie ticket, it's just Php100! lol. I'm not gonna say that it was a horrible experience.. but then.. what do you expect to get from Php100 ticket? lol. But then again, the movie was funny though, we watched Hotel Transylvania! lol.


Back in the hotel we were discussing the next day activity. We we're planning to do rafting but then we realized we only got one guy and I'm not sure all of us will be able to pull off the paddling thing, you know... lol. So we decided, though half hearted for me, to just stay put at the hotel and relax while we wait for our flight back to Manila. lol. I really wanted to do the rafting though.. I really do. lol.

The following day, we didn't have to wake up early as there ain't no activities for us. But for me who is an early riser, I decided to fix my things while the others are still asleep.

We checked out of the hotel at 1pm. Had a late lunch at Cagayanon Restaurant at Limketkai Center being recommended by our colleague especially their Durian shake. The place is pretty much a popular one in Cagayan de Oro. Just tell the taxi the name of the restaurant and they know where it is.

We had shrimp in garlic-something-sauce, Pork in tamarind soup, Laing and some shake. Val had the Durian shake while I had Coconut. lol. I'm not a big fan of Durian though I do eat the fruit, but the fruit is exotic enough for me.. I don't wanna complicate the taste than it already is.. lol.

And so, after that heavy and I mean HEAVY lunch.. I don't know what we were thinking that we decided to go take a turn at the neighbouring food shop.. it was crazy!

Missy Bon Bon, is not just your average breadshop. They serve healthy, freshly made bread and pastries onsite with unique assortment. They serve all day breakfast board to their wide flavours of their gelato. The place is faddy, cozy and fun. Service is good too! I recommend you to try the place. Please.. please.. please.. You don't want to miss this.


Curiosity killed the cat, that's what the old saying goes.. I was too curious to taste a beer flavoured gelato. lol. So I ordered one mixed with green apple gelato.. The fusion reminded me of San Miguel Beer Green Apple. lol. And not long enough I began to be eloquent, dizzy... tipsy, it was crazy! lol.

We left at 4pm to catch our 6:05pm flight back to Manila which departed on time. It was great! By 9:00pm I was sitting pretty back home reminiscing the incredible vacation. The white beach of Camiguin, the chilly climate of Dahilayan and the food.. oh yes the food, how can I forget that!

We have been gone for 4 days and 3 nights.. but we felt like we've been gone longer than that. We really get to enjoy our time like what we're supposed to.. Aaahhh.. Coz you know why? Nothing beats a well made itinerary with an early flight in and a late flight out. lol.