Friday, December 23, 2011

My Christmas List

Listed below are the "must-haves" for me and I'm giving myself until December 30th to finish it. 

1. Mini-Blender - I love experimenting things in the kitchen. I'm planning of exploring the world of puree this year and what else do I need to do this?..... Exactly! 

2. Laptop-Bed-Desk - I do a lot of things in my bed. Aside from sleeping and intimacy. lol. I eat, I do make up and surf the net on my bed. It's kinda difficult to do surfing w/o proper a desk. So this would be really helpful.

3. Body Pillow - Due to this evolving pain on my back, this pillow would be such a relief. By looking at the picture, I know they'll be no more body pain in the morning. lol.

4. Wallet - Believe it or not I am currently using my Passport holder as my wallet. And I know it's formidable to bring it everywhere I go. So the wallet is a big YES for me. lol. 

5. Laptop Cooler - It helps reduce the laptop's operating temperature. For techie people, you know what I mean, right? lol.

6. Laptop-Tote-Bag - My baby (laptop) needs to be chic, right?! lol. She needs to have an attitude, doesn't she? lol.

7. Travel Pillow / Neck Pillow - My colleague used to have this one in the office I really love borrowing it because it's really relaxing. And now I want to have my own. Besides, on 2012, I'm seeing myself traveling a lot. lol. So I need this wherever I go. 

I just wish I have time to buy all these! lol.  


  1. What a good christmas wish lists... really need to have one too... and for 2012 must have as well. i'm seeing myself busy this upcoming year and forseeing that stress will be my bestfriend. Hope for a handful of travels also with no hassle (hope so..) and a lot of time and dedication from my work and career developement. Hopefully my most productive year as a professional. ofcourse not to mention our little coffee bonding time with other buxbuds... it will definitely be a major part of my year 2012 lol. =) Keep blogging par.. nice release too. - bobby

  2. Thanks Bob! I hope to see you soon. Hugs!!
