Friday, October 14, 2011

Blood Donation Experience

It's been a week since I donated blood. Last Oct 07 2011, I've been lucky enough to give love by giving blood. It was my first time so I was really excited and somehow scared. lol. I mean, I never even thought I would passed their assessment.

Blood pressure: Normal (120/80)
Hemoglobin level: Normal (13.5 g/dl)
Have not been sick for the last 2 months 
Had enough sleep
Not taking any anti-biotics
No history of Hepatitis 
No Diabetes
No heart disease
Not an HIV carrier
And it has been 2 years since my last tattoo! Yes. A lot of people are wondering if they can donate blood once they got a tattoo. Although no country has ever refused a  blood donor with a tattoo completely but according to the doctors - Well, normally you are not allowed to donate blood right after you got a tattoo, they got a certain time frame before you could be eligible. The common time frame is 12 months after you got tattooed to give blood. Now Why? During that time period, obviously you would know already if you have been infected after the tattoo.

So, after like 3 minutes of interrogation by the doctor I laid down. The nurse was trying to calm me and talking to me that everything will be a jiff! Hah! 

Me with the nurse and Nikka on the background

I was like asking Nikka how did it go for her 'coz I was really scared and she just laughed from disbelief of hearing it. She said that for someone like me who had a lot of experience with the needle from tattoos would turned out to be like a chicken on this?! lol. hah! And she's right! So I closed my eyes and I said.. "Para sa Bayan..." then the nurse and I laughed. lol

So what are the benefits you could get by donating blood? Who benefits? How?

" Blood donation benefits many people. One pint of blood benefits donors in the following ways:
  • Each pint of whole blood donated by one person helps three other people.
  • One pint of blood may be separate into its various components such as plasma, red blood cells and others. If one pint of blood is used as components, it can help seven people.
  • Blood donation benefits surgical patients. A liver transplant patient, for example, may need up to ten pints of blood during surgery. Blood transfusions are needed during many types of surgery and for accident victims.
  • People undergoing chemotherapy and radiation benefit from blood donation.
  • Individuals with sickle-cell anemia need blood donations to replace their red blood cells.
  • Donated blood saves the lives of premature infants and children. Many of these tiny patients require blood transfusions, and only blood from a donor can help them. 
Benefits do you get as a donor:
  • Free health screening: Every time you give blood, a medical technician, doctor or nurse will check your blood pressure and give you a free health screening.
  • Reduced risk of heart disease: Some doctors and scientists believe that giving blood may prevent heart disease. Although no conclusive evidence is available, numerous physicians have noted that blood donors typically have fewer cases of heart disease than non-donors. Dr. Harvey Klein, in an article on USA Today, speculates that giving blood regularly reduces the amount of iron in the bloodstream. While iron is an important element and necessary for human life, too much iron may actually damage the heart and circulatory system. Dr. Klein and others believe that reducing blood iron through regular blood donation is a healthy way to potentially lower your risk of heart disease.
  • Acts of altruism make you feel good! Giving feels great, especially when you understand that one hour of your time and one pint of blood can save so many people."

The nurse dabbed the cotton with Betadine on the area where I think she saw a  perfect vein. lol. She asked me to close my fist tight and then after like a minute a tourniquet was like tied onto my arms. 

There it goes my blood

I am type O

In just 10 minutes I was able to fill the bag that's 450 milliliters 

"After donating blood, you'll be offered juice and a snack. Be sure to rehydrate and replenish your fluids. Avoid heavy lifting after donating blood. Lifting something heavy may cause the small mark where the blood was drawn to bruise dramatically or bleed a bit. "

I was also advised not to smoke for atleast four hours and not drink alcohol within 24 hours.

My boss showing some love by giving some blood

And just like that after 10 minutes, I felt I did a really great thing. I was happy. Just imagine, one bag can save three people, your ten minutes can add years to another person.

 For more information visit


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Palawan 2011 - Day 3 (Honda Bay)

Day 3, last day in Palawan and we did our last itinerary, Honda Bay tour. Our tour guide was Kuya Robert and Kuya Ceasar was our driver. We woke up at five o'clock to prepare and as we had requested a six o'clock breakfast the night before. At De Loro you will be asked what breakfast you like from their menu so they can prepare it the following morning. 

Jose, as usual posing early in the morning at De Loro

We left De Loro at six thirty AM and headed to Honda Bay wharf where our boat was waiting for us. As per our tour guide the proper way to pronounce Honda is with silent "H". Kuya Robert said you have not been to Palawan if you do not know how to pronounce Honda properly (because you were not corrected by a Palaweño). 

We first went to a shop where we could rent snorkeling gear (water shoes, snorkel mask and breather tube). Don't worry all of their breather tubes are clean and in good condition. They even have an underwater camera case that you could rent for a whole day for only Php250.

Honda Bay wharf is situated at Santa Lourdes, that is 30 minutes drive from city proper to the wharf where several pump boats can be hired/rented to take you on any island/islet you like. 
Snorkeling! In the background is the floating schoolhouse built for Dalub-Karagatan project

Pambato reef 
First stop, Pambato reef - It is 30 minutes by boat from port of Honda bay. It has become one of the best tourist spot in Puerto Princesa. It is sometimes called the "mini-Tubbataha" It was accidentally discovered by a fisherman while fishing his hook got entangled underneath. He dived and attempted to remove the hook from entanglement. While doing so, he was amazed to see a wonderful world of virtually untouched reef in a frequently traveled area in Honda Bay.

A lot of the reefs in the bay are already damaged because of the exposure to exploitative use before but not Pamabto reef.

ABS-CBN’s  environment program, the “Dalub-Karagatan” project was created to let people learn about the coral ecosystem. Dalub-Karagatan means “School in the Seas” and a floating schoolhouse was built at the site.
Corals of Pambato reef

There are some corals that are so big you can almost step on it BUT it is imperative that you do not 'coz you might damage them and eventually they will die. It's no-brainer to understand the importance of corals under the sea. So please refrain from getting and making them a decoration in your house. They are meant to be under the sea NOT out of the sea.

Jose on top of the corals

Us on top of the blue corals

Snake Island
Second stop, Snake island. Its elongated and winding sand bar resembling a snake is the reason why they name it as such. It is where most of the tourist take their lunch. They have "pa-luto" system on this island. You can buy fresh fish, crabs and meat and you cantell them how you want it to be cooked for a fee  You can do fish feeding and snorkeling on this island too.

Second stop, Snake Island. Me and Jose playing volleyball with our boatman.

Lunch time!

Pandan Island 
Third stop, Pandan Island. They called it Pandan island because it is home to a lot of Pandan plants. This island is really more on relaxing. No videoke can be heard. They have an outdoor massage area for a fee. We had our buko juice by the beach. The place is really nice. I can say that the sand here is finer than the Snake Island.

Colorful flags can be seen from afar to attract tourists


I like the fishes in Pandan Island because they are cute. Compared to Pambato reef and Snake Island the fishes they got there are really big and really scary to feed because of their big mouth like the Lapu-lapu and Salmon. Takot ako! Seriously! lol

Looking for a nice spot to do fish feeding

 Fish feeding

Buko juice

Tellin' stories

After a quick rest we headed back to our boat and went back to mainland as we have a plane to catch back to Manila. The three days experience of Palawan was awesome. It did not disappoint me at all, from people, food and scenery. It is worth traveling, worth filing for a leave, worth saving your money for the trip and worth saying that I will be back!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Palawan 2011 - Day 2 (Badjao)

After the underground river experience I requested our tour guide if they can just drop us to a market as soon as we are in the city proper where we can buy "pasalubong" for our friends and family and then we will just take a tricycle back to De Loro. The tour guide and the driver brought us at what they called "tiangge" which is actually part of a city tour. 

The city tour is not included on our itinerary because that would be another rate, they somehow decided to just let us do our shopping without extra charge. Isn't that awesome?! They are so accommodating. I just love 'em! Please book at De Loro in, you will not regret it!

I dont have a picture of the "Tiangge" but I get to find one on another blog. A perfect image of the place. This is where you can buy "pasalubong" from shirts to daing or bulad. 


We arrived back to De Loro at six o'clock PM. We did some freshen up and we headed to Badjao. We read from several blogs that it is one of the "a must" places to eat at Puerto Princesa, also our friend, Ara insisted that we eat there and so we did.

There are two branches of Badjao Seafront Restaurant in Palawan. The first one is in Puerto Princesas commercial district which is near the "Tiangge." The other one is overlooking a marsh with mangroves located inside barrio Sikat which can be found along Abueg Road, that's where we went.

Most of the customers went home already when we got there at eight o'clock. Since we went there at night time we were not able to see the view but I bet it has a nice view of the sea with its large open windows. We also noticed plenty of mangrove on the surrounding as it is in fact built on top of a mangrove habitat, so it is somehow a floating restaurant. It's amazing there. Please try it and tell me if I am wrong.

Their menu is traditionally Filipino. The list of food is boundless from vegetables to meat but clearly we do not want to miss the seafoods, so brace yourself. Oh I forgot to mention they got a pianist that plays Filipino ballad songs which is just perfect while dining. There were several times when I would like to go up and sing beside him. lol.

Trivia: Did you know that the Prince of York, Prince Albert visited the restaurant when he came to Puerto Princesa. Badjao Seafront Restaurant was the only restaurant he visited during his Puerto Princesa tour. You can see him from the several pictures of him hanged on their wall and I thought it's a good advertisement too.

 Clam soup

 Ensaladang talong

 Sizzling squid

 Grilled tuna

 Spicy shrimp in butter with garlic
Spicy crabs in coconut milk. I just love the crab fat! Trust me you better watch out for it. 

We stayed there up to ten thirty o'clock PM. Our total bill was Php1600 Not bad for a good food and ambiance. We were the last customers. 

If you wanna try this restaurant it can also get filled up during lunch and dinner time so I would advise you to place your reservation before coming to Badjao Seafront restaurant by calling them at (048) 433-9912. You can have your hotel receptionist do it for you.

Me and Jose playing around before sleeping

I had difficulty sleeping that night. I guess because of too much crab fat. The air conditioner was in high temperature but I feel hot. I was not feeling sick (nor feverish) though. I had to try to go to sleep because our call time the next day is six o'clock AM for our Honda bay tour! 

Palawan 2011 - Day 2 (Underground River)

After a very daring activity at Tagabinet we headed to Sabang where we had our buffet lunch by the beach. The buffet consist of grilled pork and tuna, pancit, adobong manok, sauteed kangkong, nilagang baka, nilagang tuna, ensaladang mangga, and fruits. I was not able to take a picture because I was too hungry to even take just one but it was yum!

Welcome to Sabang, the gateway to Underground River

After lunch, while we were talking about the Spelunking experience we had a couple of hours ago a lady approached us and offered a very familiar delicacy of Palawan, need I say more?  -  the Tamilok or woodworm (for reference: 

She said that we really have not been to Palawan unless we tried it. Hah! The sales talk got us! One of the ladies on our table bought one order for Php 100 - that's five Tamilok for us. 

I never really want to have one as the idea of the word "worm" is bugging me but Val tried one and she said it's just really like oysters, so I eventually ended up eating one, the last one but the biggest, longest and probably the juiciest one. It was so long that I had to twirl it with a fork like a spaghetti. lol.

The second Tamilok

Valerie eating the fourth Tamilok

20 minute boat ride to the underground river site

Ahh.. Don't you just love seeing this kind of water.. It's like I'm seeing 7 shades of blue.

Welcome to the Underground River

The starting point

Safety first guys!

Here we go!

I found myself blown away when I saw these amazing mineral formations. The experience was amazing. Seeing the nature's gift to us is beyond explanation of the gratitude I felt inside the cave.  For someone like me who's enticed with history and heritage, this is really big.

Underground sediment depositions believed to be millions of years

One of the biggest stalagmites inside the "cathedral area" of underground river

Amazing formation of stalactites.

It took millions of years for these stalactites to be formed

While we were cruising the stretch of the underground I asked the mamang bangkero the location of the seacow (dugong) fossil, that the tour guide asked me secretly if we wanted to see it, but it would cost us additional fee (under the table) since this is not supposed to be known to the public yet, but the mamang bangkero did not respond on my inquiry (I asked him three times). 

When we got back to the land the tour guide said that this also depends on the bangkero. Some are really strict about telling the information about the location as the thing is still understudy by foreign scientists. The tour guide told us that PNoy visited couple of weeks before and went to see this amazing fossil. Haay.. Sayang talaga!

After the underground tour

Happy to see one of the finalists in the "New 7 Wonders of Nature"

Jose playing on the sand and very happy

In line with these, I am appealing to you my friends to please vote and support the Puerto Princesa Underground River. This will not only bring glory and honor to the Palaweños but to all of us Filipinos. In fact as of October 02 2011 the Philippines is the only left entry from Southeast Asia and we are on the fourth spot. We have became known as the text capital of the world. Let us show them! 

For more information on how to vote visit

Monday, October 3, 2011

Palawan 2011 - Day 2 ( Ugong Rock Adventure )

We started day two with a continental breakfast in bed, literally, at seven as we have requested. At eight o'clock AM while we were doing our morning ritual of smoking the tour guide came to let us know that we will be leaving in 5 minutes. So we hurriedly packed our things to bring (camera, extra clothes, bottled water).

A tour van was waiting outside then we left De Loro for underground river experience. We went to fetch three girls in Casa Fuerte, three kilometers away from De Loro, who will join our group tour.

Our tour guide's name is Jouie. He is a native Palaweño so he is very much familiar with the place. The travel time from city to Sabang, where we are going to take a boat to underground, is two hours. After one and a half travel we stopped at Tagabenit. He said that we are scheduled to cruise the underground river at two o'clock in the afternoon and we are just going to be bored if we will go directly to Sabang. So he suggested to try caving at Ugong Rock Adventures.

Ugong Rock is a limestone formed millions of years ago. It is believed that it used to be part of the ocean and after millions of years of waves it forcefully curved/created wonderful limestone structures inside, then the water sea level subsides and voila! We have Ugong Rock!

Ugong Rock is actually being maintained by ABS-CBN Bantay Kalikasan Foundation - it's one of their five community-based tourism initiative project to help people of Puerto Princesa. The Ugong Rock tour guides and facilitators are people of Tagabenit (since the amazing limestone formation is located in their area). In my opinion this is a really nice idea of helping people, instead of donating money create an initiative project that will have a long term sustenance to the people, di ba? Way to go ABS-CBN!

Val all geared up

Jaydee and Jose pro-safety first

For Php 200 you can go caving up to the top and trace your way back into the cave to go down which will take an hour each way. Additional Php 250 if you are going to do zipline on your way down in just 23 seconds. I am not a fan zipline 'coz I have an irrational fear of heights, I am Acrophobic. So I only paid Php 200 and I am willing to take the challenge, back and forth, of whatever they got inside those caves! lol

They called it Ugong Rock because on the entrance of the cave you will hear an "Ugong" sound. It's like the million ocean waves have been recorded by the cave to be heard good for the earth's lifetime.

The guys goofing around. Tree planting project. lol

Spelunking is another term for caving. Spelunkers are what they call untrained and unknowledgeable amateur explorer. Cavers is what you call well experienced people in cave exploring. Spelunking is fun yet tough. Really tough! It would take a lot of strength and guts to love this activity.

60 ft. up! Jaydee spelunking her way up in her maxi dress.

Almost there!


My turn b*tches!

Easy for Joseph 'coz he has no weight/gravity issues! lol

 We made it up!

Val in between the rocks

And I thought this is going to be our last challenge... not really!

Wooooohhhhhhoooo!! The view!

It took an hour to get on top. How are we gonna go down? We no longer wanna take the same route going down. So we decided to go zip-line! Excuse me, this is not your ordinary zip-line. It's a gravitational zip-line. What made it different from the other zip-line? This has a slope! Others are just a straight fair cable slightly inclined. Ugong has an 80 degrees slope going down. It's really scary.

On the video I took. The zipline guy took him forever to convince me to let go already and go steady and relax. Easy for him to say! lol. And so I closed my eyes and I screamed like it was my last.

Joseph had a pretty much zipline in his life so it's no biggie for him. lol

And then a casualty. Valerie got hit by the metal sling, the next thing I know she was calling my name saying her left eye hurts. So we asked for an ice for cold compress to constrict blood vessels and localize bleeding.

After a couple of smoke. We went back to the van and went to Sabang beach where the lunch buffet is waiting for us! Wooohh!!