Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Macau 2012 - Day 3 (Part 1)

Day 3, I was excited to explore the city of Taipa so I got up early (as usual) did my basic yoga and woke up "the crew" lol.

After an hour and forever of preparation, we finally got out of the hotel to get our brunch! We walked through the modest streets of Taipa searching for an interesting place for a chow. 

There's just so much cafeteria/restaurant in the area we cannot decide which one to try, the only downside was - they don't have english menu. The first one we saw (with an english menu) was the "Brilliant Gourmet" 


Patrick and Jaydee's chow. It's something like a sweet and sour pork, you can add egg,ham or both for a gigantic breakfast! lol 


Val and I decided to try a Yang-chow, just to see what would an authentic one taste like, partnered it with a Portuguese cuisine, some fillet bass fish in mushroom sauce with lemon and salsa. lol. 


Patrick and Mark

We're so full we wanted to stroll for a bit. Until we saw this flower garden of Flower City, Taipa. We've been passing by the place since day 1, and I thought it's a temple. lol.

So it's a Flower Garden huh.. too bad we cannot see that much flowers around but some lotuses without flowers in a big pond, there are plenty of fishies though! lol. 

The flower garden entrance

The setting of this walled garden is typically Chinese: Small pavillions, where you can hangout and play chess w/ a friend or with just anybody ; winding bridges. There is also a children's playground within the garden.
We saw this foot-massaging walkway studded with bulging smooth river stones which I think is intended to offer relaxation. It was constructed based on the principles of reflexology, I have heard of this through my mother, it's a therapy that links health to specific points on the hands or feet.
I tried walking on it but I can barely stand the pressure on my feet on every step, with my weight, believe me it's painful so I had to jump out of it immediately. lol. 

Check out the video:

We went to an Apple store just outside the garden to check out some stuffs for their phone, three of my mates are iPhone users that's why. lol.

We're still full from what we ate so we decided to continue walking besides, our next itinerary was just around the area.

The Taipa Houses Museum, the museum complex consists of 5 houses exhibiting living standard of well-off Macanese (Portuguese families living in Macau) families during first half of the 20th century.

Opening Hours: 10 am - 6 pm (Closed on Mondays)
Admission: Adult - MOP$5.00; Student pr Group - MOP$2.00; Under 12 or above 65 - Free Admission; Free Admission on Sundays.

Just outside the Taipa Houses Museum you will see an admirable garden full of flowers. It's like your in a Frances Hodgson Burnett's novel Secret Garden. I was really all smiles admiring the garden. Wishing I got this oasis back home. lol.

This arc reminds me of Disneyland! lol. 

On the east side of the garden you will see an area with a large number of tress. We had to walk towards the woods coz it's really inviting. 

Perfect canvass

Check out the video:

Red, Yellow and Green = Perfect Afterimage.

Hahaha. By the time we got into the woods, I was telling my friends that it just felt like I'm in a Twilight movie with all the woods surrounding me, I was looking for Jacob! lol. 

From the woods you will see the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, a historic church in old Taipa built in 1885, it offers Catholic Church services in English on Sundays at 10am, it stands on a hill overlooking what used to be the sea. 

There's a wedding that day on the church. We saw the bride and her bridesmaids on their turquoise gown with a white fur shoal and groomsmen with a touch of pink necktie and on their sneakers.. lol. cute motif! 

Next stop: Going back to The Venetian for the Gondola ride experience! 

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