Friday, May 18, 2012

Macau 2012 - Day 2 (Part 3)

After a long day of walk around Macau Island we went back to our hotel in Flower City, Taipa to rest a bit. We wanted to be fresh when we go to the casino. lol.

Everyone wanted to see The Venetian, so by 8:00PM we took a cab from our hotel to Cotai Strip where the famous hotel and casino is located. 

As expected, while approaching the island, the lights from all the buildings from a far are really magnificent! 

Check out the video:

As soon as we got in to this monarchial valet, I really had to take a picture of it. lol. 

The Venetian Valet

Right after the reception area you there's a golden globe that I really had to take a pic with. lol. Funnnneehhh! 

 The Venetian Dome

 Tryin' to find the casino area. lol.

 Ahhh.. Finally found the

Outside the gaming area

Reminder: Now generally, cameras or video cams are not allowed inside the casino or on the gaming area only in the outer perimeter but different casinos will have different policies. Other casinos will allow "still" photos while others not and very few will allow video. If they catch you, you may be asked to delete the photos or may be asked to leave.

 Aha! A wi-fi connection just outside the gaming area!

We played a for about an hour and then Jaydee won 500HKD! lol. Talk about good luck! lol. So after that we decided to have out very late dinnuuuuurrr!! lol. And Jaydee treated us with a pizzaaah! lol. 

Check out the video

So we had dinner at its food court with an artificial sky! It was awesome! you wouldn't think that it's already night outside. There are a lot of foods to choose from!

I had some japanese curry and rice while Jaydee treated us on a pizza! Carbs!!!!! lol.

The complete meal would somehow range from 40HKD - 60 HKD. 

Just look at that sky. Awesomely magnefic! lol.

This is how it would look like inside The Venetian at night via its artificial sky. lol

Val had to do errands for herself.. lol. The Starbucks tumblers! She has been collecting Starbucks city tumblers since last year so it was imperative for her to buy some for her and other friends of ours.

So I won 20HKD out of the 50HKD I have. lol. But had to gamble it and I lost! lol.

 The crew, all smiles!

Waiting for the cab 

 We're all tired but happy! lol.

Puckering up with Mark!

Their ceiling never cease to amaze me, seriously!

 The Venetian

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