We were asked to be back at 2:30PM so we can have our merienda and start our team building. Our merienda consist of halo-halo and banana turon.
I didn't know that it will be an amazing race type, so I was really hesitant to join when I found out. While eating the snack I can already imagine the running and effort that I will do. I must admit that I'm no longer physically fit. Those days of athleticism are way way gone. Those 5 years of being a school varsity and fit are way way kaput! Gone are the days when I can do 8 - 10 laps of freestyle or 30 minutes running around the school gym. How will I survive?
Taking a dose of sugar rush to prepare us on a 2 hour challenge.
A quick instructions from the Caliraya Resort organizers
There were 9 people on every group, there were 3 groups, Red, Blue and our team, Yellow. Each group was given a plastic folder where we will keep all the clue cards from every challenge.
Puzzle - The first challenge was to climb up the hill where the snack bar is located and fix the Caliraya map puzzle. Our team was the first one to finish it so we headed down to the second challenge.
Wall Climbing - We were asked to pick 5 people from our team who will do the wall climbing and the remaining 4 will have to do the swimming on the next challenge. With my weight problem, I opted to stay on the ground and let the boys climb.
Ahhh.. Not my cup of tea! lol
Our Boss was the first one on our team to climb the wall.
My team mates were really quick so we're the first one to finish the challenge. We ran as fast as we can to go to the next challenge. Swimming!
Swimming - Now, this is my element! I may not be a professional but I am good at it. I dived into the 5ft. pool and swam to the other side where my other team mate was waiting. We're able to finish the challenge without the other group. They're still wall climbing! Basically we're one activity ahead of them. lol. Next on the clue card, we had to go to the other side of the resort to paddle!

Canoeing - Okay, so none of us is good on this. This has got be one of the energy drainer. Oh please don't let me start with the obstacle course! lol. The boat has to circle around that white fishing net balls. We were on the third batch when the other groups arrived. This challenge was so funny. Well, funny at the other group's expense. (I'm so sorry guys!), as other groups were really having a hard time paddling. There was this one group who were going on a different direction and there was one who can't make the boat turn around (that was my favorite!). lol. I think my workmate JC was on that boat! lol.

This is our team after canoeing. Again, we're the first one to finish the challenge. Going to the basketball for some hoops! Just so you know I'm already trying to catch my breath in here. In fact I have been trying to catch my breath since the first challenge (climbing up the hill to the snack bar). It's like I'm gonna faint any minute. Oh by the way one of the guys on the other group started to throw up. Okay Aaron, I'm not gonna say it was you! lol.
Aaron, just after he blow grits! lol.
Basketball -We need to have 4 points to get to the next challenge. The first three points were easy. The last point took us forever! I even tried my luck on it. Hahaha! We're able to get the last point as soon as the other group arrived. Whew!
Jody contributing some points
As soon as we got the 4 points needed on the challenge. We headed to the nightmare of my life!
Obstacle Course - You may think this is easy. It was on this challenge that I had my injury, lol. I had bruises and swollen knees after I did the low crawl obstacle. It was this time when my energy was on its lowest. But still trying to keep up.
We finished the course as soon as the other groups started. The clue card said we have to take the mud slide located on top of the hill. We had to climb the hill, again! While climbing the hill I was already randomly swearing on top of my lungs! You might ask me if it was necessary to do that. Yes it was!
Mud Slide - This is like one of the main attraction activity in Caliraya. There's this big and long tarp they laid on the grass from top of the hill and down. On top of the hill there's a man holding a hose who will give a very quick instructions and after that he'll splash on some water with soap, I guess this is to make it more slippery, and you will have to push yourself to slide all the way down the mud pit.
The rule is, all members of the group should slide down together
Hahaha! Woooooohhhh!!
The third group
Jerry, able to slide with a shades on! lol
Okay, may I just apologize to the yellow team for letting them down? This is the last challenge, the hanging bridge..
Hanging Bridge - After the said muddy slide we had to climb up the hill again to get to the last challenge, crossing the hanging bridge. As soon as I got on top of the hill my body just cannot do it anymore. I sat on the stairs of the snack bar trying to catch my breath and trying to convince my body that I can still do it. But my body is so stubborn to move because of too much exhaustion.
During this period I was thinking those people on that reality show "biggest loser". I get irritated with the people who I think are stubborn to complete their tasks. I'm so sorry. I so know the feeling now. Like a runner's phrase, I just "hit the wall". So exhausted I can barely move on.
Some of my team mates even offered to carry me. lol. Seriously! And so there I sat watching the other groups passing us because the yellow team cannot cross the bridge without me. After like 10 minutes I stood up went to the last location and the yellow team was on the entrance of the bridge waiting for me. Sadly, we finished third. I am so sorry guys!

The last one to cross the bridge
Everybody's exhausted
Jonathan, Philip and moi
As we headed to the field, where we can see the all the group have rested, Jonathan and I had to stop as Philip started to throw up on the garbage can. I have never seen Philip throw up as must as that in almost a decade I have known him. Not even when he's drunk. So just imagine the trauma it caused him..
At last were done!
Had a quick chat of what happened and took a shower, had a few fun at the slide pinoy as we went back to our assigned rooms
At 7:30 we had a buffet dinner. We ate as much food as we can. We tried to make up from all the stress we had.
Later that night we had an amazing drinking session! Imagine the bosses and subordinates enjoying the night together. Good thing Jovan brought with him his guitar and boy you'll be amazed with this guy, he surely knows how to play any song! Just say it and he'll play it! He's the man! In short we rocked the night at Caliraya!